Set the country of registration, search the company’s registered name and choose how much of their ecosystem you want to monitor.
The business ecosystem for the selected company is generated in seconds.
Set the country of registration, search the company’s registered name and choose how much of their ecosystem you want to monitor.
The business ecosystem for the selected company is generated in seconds.
We automatically build the corporate ownership ecosystem, identify all Directors and owners of each company for you to view.
Monitored companies and their ownership ecosystems automatically go live under the watchful eye of hundreds of rules constantly scouring thousands of data points and ready to compile facts into risk alert statements for you.
We then automatically set up global news media sweeps to isolate and risk analyse articles using Natural Language Programming. Our algorithms select and score news articles so you gain greater context behind what is happening with the company.
Risk alerts clarify what triggered the alert and also allow you to drill further into details for more context.
Act swiftly with a single click to log the risk, linking the alert and company to the workflow action. Escalate to team members, add documents and images, assign actions to collaboratively manage and mitigate the risk all in the RISC Vision platform.